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At Home With Learning Projects Review by Renee Ruby and Christine Field

By Judy Shewmake: At Home Ministries
P.O. Box 836
Camino CA 95706

"Each project goes from idea to project to conclusion and equals great learning!" -- The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

What great ideas! Open up this meekly bound projects book and watch out for the explosion! There's some real dynamite stuff in there! When first received, we flipped through this book and it happened to open to "Do You Really Want To Celebrate Halloween?". Since it was a few days before that fateful occasion we took an interested look at all the information! Wow! Judy presents the information well and gives tons of great resources to compliment the learning experience! This is also all done without going overboard on the subject which I though was particularly insightful. I was also excited to see her version of "All About Me", I loved doing a similar project with my preschooler to teach her all about her family, phone number, address and environment. Judy pays special attention to detail and really creates a wonderful learning and bonding experience! Another favorite project was "Family History" which she turned into an across the curriculum unit study! It includes all areas of study with several electives thrown in!

All projects can be utilized for almost any age group and with the list of resources provided, you could feasibly use for multiple ages too. Each project goes from idea to project to conclusion and equals great learning! And every projects includes investigating, doing and incorporating. There are 10 complete learning projects enclosed and ideas for dozens of others. The introduction is very informative and once you get through the whole book you almost can't stop yourself from creating new learning projects of your own! Judy wraps it all together by providing planning sheets and journal pages to really keep track of your projects and experiences!

Judy Shewmake is also the author of "The Adventist Home Educator Handbook" and co-author of "The Homeschool Primer". She currently conducts "At Home with True Education" seminars and is penning her next text "At Home with Home Organization"! And I want that one too! Thanks, Judy!

-- Product Review by: Renee Ruby, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

At Home With Learning Projects
By Judy Shewmake

Has textbook tedium set in at your house? Take a look at something new! Judy Shewmake helps to take the mystery out of learning projects and shows us how to use reading, investigating and doing to teach our children. She explains how learning projects work and gives us ten complete projects she has doine with her own children, including an all about me project, a family history project and an oceanography unit. My favorite was called "Wonderfully Made," in which the child makes a life-sized mural of the body, investigating all the systems along the way. She provides a planning/recording sheet to help us to plan our own units. There is also a nice listing of resources and an addendum of more learning project ideas. This little volume can be your gentle introduction to project learning.

-- Product Review by: Christine Field, Senior Correspondent, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine