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LIFEPAC: Essentials of Communication: A Guide to Interacting Effectively in Today's World Review by Dr. Heather Allen

LIFEPAC: Essentials of Communication: A Guide to Interacting Effectively in Today's World is a relatively new course designed to teach 9th through 12th grade students how to be successful in their interactions with others in personal, professional, and public settings. The study is presented in five units including:

Communication Foundations: A foundational unit that presents the basic theories and practices of communication skills.

Language Characteristics: A study of how language is interpreted, looking at verbal and nonverbal levels and the role it plays in our communication with others.

Interpersonal Relationships: A practical application of the theory of interpersonal communications, conflict resolution, and clarity in communication with others.

Understanding Groups: A discussion of group dynamics, how to build strong teams, how to be a good team member, and the triumphs and pitfalls of team interaction.

Presenting and Interpreting Public Messages: An organized approach to developing speeches and presentations, then dealing with the stress and practical requirements of presenting the message in public.

Each of the units provides academic information with real-life applications and has some excellent exercises. For example, there are opportunities for students to write and present speeches, conduct interviews, and practice skills for effective communication.

I think this is a well-organized treatment of communication and would be worthwhile for any student.

-- Product Review by: Dr. Heather Allen, TOS Senior Analytical Consultant, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine