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Calculadder 4 Review by Trisha White

The Providence Project
14566 NW 110th St.
Whitewater, Kansas 67154

CalcuLadder 4 is a great supplemental math resource. Each lesson consists of twelve drills. The lessons can be timed five minutes, or you can allow the student to work through it and increase speed and accuracy by the end of the twelve days. There are 192-exercise pages in all.

Each lesson has a Bible verse at the bottom of the page that relates to the lesson they are working on. For instance, for Lesson 49, which is two-digit multiplication, the Bible verse is Lev, 25:8 "And thou shalt number seven Sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years, and the space of the seven Sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years." On a page covering decimals you will find Nehemiah. 5:11 "Restore, I pray you, to them?the hundredth part of the money?"

CalcuLadder 4 covers Advanced Division, Estimation, Basic Fractions, and Decimals. When I first looked at this, I thought it was grade specific but that is not necessarily so. If your child struggles in a specific area, you would use the CalcuLadder that covers that element of math. As the child completes a lesson, they will build confidence in that area.

It states on the cover "A Learning Vitamins Unit in the Character and Competence Series of Education". I love the phrase Learning Vitamins. We take vitamins daily to nourish our bodies and this is what CalcuLadder does, it nourishes the child in confidence with math as it builds competence and character.

CalcuLadder also has other Learning Vitamin products like ReadyWriter and Alphabetter.

Check their website for more information on these products. I highly recommend this product.

-- Product Review by: Trisha White, Maine State Coordinator, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, November, 2005