The Old Schoolhouse® Product & Curriculum Reviews

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Reaping the Harvest: The Bounty of Abundant-Life Homeschooling Review by Christine Field

By Diana Waring

"This is an unusual, delightful, funny and important book." -- The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

Do you feel like you have put in enough time in homeschooling and that it is time to launch your children into another’s keeping? Wait! Read this book before you decide to miss the blessing of homeschooling teens!

Most of us know Diana Waring for her fabulous history materials. She takes us on an exciting journey through history with her History Alive! line of products, materials, and tapes. Many of us remember her book, Beyond Survival, in which many shared their homeschooling journeys - their challenges and benefits.

This book may be her most significant work yet! I have seen Diana speak in person and have witnessed her passion, her sense of humor, and her depth. This book takes us on a written journey of encouragement, in her personal and transparent style. She shares her tearing-her-hair-out moments of homeschooling teens along with the moments of clarity and bliss.

Everything in this book is about RELATIONSHIP – how to have a healthy vibrant one with your teen. That relationship encompasses everything from respectful relating to eating healthfully to learning styles to apologetics to fostering a servant’s heart. This is an unusual, delightful, funny and important book. Diana gives us much to think and pray about in this season of our child’s life. She does it with warmth, wit and wisdom. You will love this book!

-- Product Review by: Christine Field, Senior Correspondent, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine