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Serious Times Review by Jennifer Golombisky

By: James Emery White
InterVarsity Press
P.O. Box 1400
Downers Grove, IL 60515
(630) 734-4000

James Emery White is a man whose heart's desire is to live a life in the Lord that would impact all of history. In his book, Serious Times, White takes a look at past history with uncommon courage and clarity, beginning with the Middle Ages and continuing to present day Western culture. Throughout the book, he pauses now and then to give examples of great people living serious lives in response to the serious times of their day. White's goal in looking to the past is to help the reader to know where our society is now, and in what direction we are headed.

A captivating, yet sweeping view of history is only the first half of the book, however. The second half is an exercise in ChristianLiving, addressing vital topics within the context of what has been learned through history. It is a motivating, urgent call to realize the seriousness of the times we live in today, and to respond with serious lives. I recommend this book for high schoolers and adults who are interested in living a life that matters.

--Product Review by: Jennifer Golombisky, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine