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The Parenting Business: Hindsight is 20/20 Review by Kris Price

By Carolyn Esparza, MSW/LPC
Tsaba House
2252 12th St.
Reedley, CA 93654

I am always interested to read new books about parenting skills. Parenting is a dynamic job and often the rules have to change from day to day as parents learn what does and doesn't work in raising a child to adulthood. The Parenting Business: Hindsight is 20/20 is full of wonderful advice about all facets of parenting: discipline, talking with children, connecting with them, how to listen to our children, etc. The author is a licensed Christian counselor and uses her experiences with children, as well as being a parent of four childen, as the basis for her advice. Each chapter is introduced with a Bible verse that coincides with its theme. I found it comforting to read a Biblical principle behind the wisdom that Ms. Esparza wants to share with us.

What made this book real to me is that the author did NOT have a fairy tale life while raising her children. She unabashedly shares her trials and heartaches as well as her joys and triumphs. This is not a book that says, "I did a perfect job raising my children and here's how I did it." Instead, she shares what she would have done differently as well as what worked for her. Ms. Esparza's main concern seems to be that children's complaints and concerns are not taken seriously by many parents - we are NOT listening to our children. We need to MAKE time for them and connect with them so that they know how important they are to us. Our current environment is full of violence, drug and alcohol abuse, major peer pressure, etc. In her chapter called "Solidifying Common Ground," Ms. Esparza gives parents 25 activities to do together - cooking, creating, inventing, hiking, worshiping - these are just a few things that families can do together to build a common bond.

I found so much useful information in this book and wish that it had been available when I first brought my babies into this chaotic world we live in. However, a parent can glean useful guidance from The Parenting Business at any stage of their child-rearing adventure. This book would make a great gift for a new parent as well as the "veteran" who is in the midst of parenting older children. As my children approach their teens and begin their journey towards independence, I know that I will turn to this book time and again for advice on maintaining a solid bond with my children. While our children our in our homes, we must make quality time for them and keep them as a priority in our lives - The Parenting Business will help you accomplish these tasks!

-- Product Review by Kris Price, Assistant to the Publishers, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, February, 2006