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A Mind for God Review by Donna Campos
By James Emery WhiteInterVarsity Press
PO Box 1400
Downer's Grove, IL 60515-1426
James Emery White's book A Mind For God stresses the need to return to a Biblical basis for learning. It was not written particularly to or for homeschoolers but rather for educators and individuals throughout our society who want to return to a more Godly view of education.
In this 125-page hardbound book, the author offers multiple Biblical references and discusses such topics as Biblical literacy, historical literacy, and theological literacy. I particularly enjoyed the fourth chapter, entitled "The Lost Tools of Learning." It references the trivium and quadrivium and concludes that all truth is God's truth and that we are meant to be learners. White ends the book with a prayer by John R. W. Stott that calls for a generation of Christians to rise up and combine loyalty to the Gospel and confidence in the Spirit so that they might use their minds to reach others for Christ.
At the end of the book are some tremendous book lists that I found especially worthwhile: a list of ten books to start you on your way to a stronger education, a list of 25 books on the topic of Christian worldview, and an introductory list to the "great conversation" through the Great Books, presented in roughly chronological order.
Some might find the material to be a little slow at times, but overall the information is solid. And the strong Biblical references definitely encouraged me in my calling as a homeschooling parent. I would purchase this book for the book lists alone, but the reading is also enjoyable and thought provoking.