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Honor Your Father and Mother: The Fifth Commandment for Little Ones Review by Deborah Wuehler

By Pam Forster
5905 SW Lookingglass Dr.
Gaston, OR 97119

This precious little book is based on the fifth Commandment, which says, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you." (Exodus 20:12)

Spiral bound with appropriate Scriptures and sweet illustrations (as only Pam Forster can draw), this small volume can be a useful tool in discipling your little ones, not only in obedience but in reverence as well.

Each page has questions relating to honoring your parents in all things and in all ways. For example:

  • Do I seek to encourage my parents with my words?
  • Do I honor my parents by not interrupting them?
  • Am I willing to say I was wrong?
  • Do I willingly give up my own desires in order to help and encourage my parents in their daily tasks?
  • Am I righting the wrongs I have committed?
  • Do I lead and encourage my brothers and sisters in obeying our parents?

The illustrations are black and white and ready to be colored by your little ones or copied to pass out at your family devotion time.

There is an index of all the questions in the back of the book under various headings, such as Reverence of Heart, Reverence in Word, Reverence in Behavior, Bearing with Parents' Weaknesses, etc.

All of this is to help disciple your children in the Lord and in His Word. The book covers real-life aspects of obedience and disobedience. My younger children absolutely love all the illustrations as they really fit in with our family life.

If you are looking for a delightful way to reinforce obedience and reverence, this is one you can't pass up. As always, another great offering from Doorposts!

Product review by Deborah Wuehler, Devotional Editor, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, May 2007