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If You Were a Parrot / Tudley Didn't Know Review by Heidi Strawser

By Katherine Rawson / John Himmelman
Sylvan Dell Publishing
976 Houston Northcutt Blvd., Suite 3
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

I love reviewing children's books! There is just something really fun about sitting down with a children's storybook, especially when it has a fun storyline and great illustrations. Both of these books by Sylvan Dell Publishing were that type of book.

If You Were a Parrot is an adventure story "that will have the reader imagining what life would be like if he or she were a pet parrot." The reader will learn the daily routine of a parrot--climbing, chewing, eating, bathing, and sleeping. The illustrations are of children taking on parrot-like characteristics. Along with the fun story, the author has included two full pages of fun parrot facts, along with a cute craft idea and further information for those who may be considering getting a pet parrot.

Tudley Didn't Know is the story of a young painted turtle named Tudley who lives in a pond with other turtles. As the title suggests, the story covers many things that Tudley didn't know he couldn't do, such as flying like a bird, hopping like a frog, and glowing like a firefly. Because Tudley didn't realize that turtles can't do these things, he could do them! I don't know if this was the author's intent, but this book suggested to me that we (humans) often can't do things (or don't try them) simply because we are programmed to believe that we cannot. It left me thinking long after we had finished reading it. I love books like that! This book also has a "For Creative Minds" section, containing information on all the animals mentioned in the book, a craft idea, "food for thought" (a few questions to encourage a child to think), and "creative sparks" (ideas for further research and activities).

These were both fun books, and the added features made them educational as well. I would definitely purchase these books, and I will consider others by both authors as well as Sylvan Dell Publishing.

Product review by Heidi Strawser, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, May 2007

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