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Brewster the Rooster Review by Amy Christy
By Devin ScillianSleeping Bear Press
310 North Main Street, Suite 300
Chelsea, MI 48118
What's happened to Brewster the Rooster? It seems that he crows at all the wrong things! They knew to count on him every morning, but now he's being unpredictable. Everyone on the Macintosh farm is wondering why the rooster is being so unruly! He caught Grandma off guard while she was flipping the pancakes and Zeb while he was on a ladder painting! The results were hilarious (though not to the Macintosh family, of course). The Macintoshes decide that they must figure out why Brewster is acting this way.
They take their pet to Doc Sawyer, who, as luck would have it, is also a "rooster optician." They discover that their beloved barnyard friend needs glasses. Can you imagine that? Just visualize a rooster reading an eye chart!
This book is an absolute delight. We love rhyming books, and this one certainly didn't disappoint. We laughed out loud at Brewster's silly antics and the clever rhymes to describe them. The story line is definitely unique and just perfect for a child who wears glasses or who is in need of them. I just happen to have two such children, so this was right for us. The illustrations are colorful and whimsical. We think of Brewster often when we hear our own rooster crow. We loved the story of the spectacled rooster and believe that you will too!
Product review by Amy Christy, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, May 2007
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