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Conversation with Character Review by Heather W. Allen

A Home-Based Language Arts Curriculum targeted to ages nine to 15.
By Bill & Derri Smith
Sweet Home Press
(615) 876-2980

Conversation with Character is designed to help children learn and practice the art of effective communication by working through 22 short, easy-to-use lessons covering conversation from start to finish.

The goal of this curriculum is to teach children to relate to people as Jesus did. The aim of the authors is to help parents work with their children to weed out bad habits that hinder loving communication, and to cultivate good habits.

This curriculum provides organized, bite-sized concepts that are easily taught. Each lesson includes one or more activities designed to facilitate practice of the concepts. Further, each lesson includes a Bible verse to memorize that reinforces the concept. Examples of lessons covered in this curriculum include: Start a Conversation; Pass the Ball; Keep an "I" Out; Show Interest and Effort; Don't Interrupt; Speak Blessings; Be Concise; Give and Receive Compliments, End the Conversation; and Give Respect and Honor. Further, excellent supplemental materials are provided to reinforce the concepts covered in the lessons.

As I read this curriculum, I found it interesting, thought provoking, and engaging. I also found the integration of the concepts, activities, and Bible verses to be well planned and comfortable, if you will. Not a force fit that often occurs when an author attempts to throw things together that clearly don't mesh.

I liked Conversation with Character and would highly recommend it to others who pray that their children will be like shining stars that "appear as lights in the world" (Philippians 2:15). These shining stars must learn to relate to people as Jesus did. That said, the best place to start is with something as fundamental, but critical for much else that follows, as conversation. Please don't hesitate to contact these nice people and order a copy of Conversation with Character. I believe that you and your children will enjoy the journey the Smith's take you on, from start to finish.

-- Product Review by: Heather W. Allen, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine