The Old Schoolhouse® Product & Curriculum Reviews
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W is for Woof: A Dog Alphabet Review by Amy Christy
By Ruth Strother; illustrated by Gijsbert van FrankenhuyzenSleeping Bear Press
310 North Main Street, Suite 300
Chelsea, MI 48118
If you have an appreciation for "man's best friend," then this lovely hardbound book is for you. Beginning with "A is for American Kennel Club," this informational book will take you on an educational journey through the alphabet.
Each letter stands for a word pertaining to our faithful companions, as well as a poem about it. Also included on the beautifully illustrated pages are various breeds of dogs and facts about them. You'll learn about dog behavior at work and play, grooming, showmanship, training, health care, and your ABCs! There is much to discover within the pages of this delightful book. It is perfect for anyone who has a dog or who is considering owning one and would be a wonderful addition to any home library.
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