The Old Schoolhouse® Product & Curriculum Reviews
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A Isn't for FOX: An Isn't Alphabet Review by Amy Christy
Written by Wendy Ulmer and illustrated by Laura KnorrSleeping Bear Press
310 North Main Street, Suite 300
Chelsea, MI 48118
"A isn't for box: it isn't for fox. A is for ants that crawl over your socks."
Sometimes the best way to learn what something is is by learning what it isn't! In this whimsical alphabet book, author and former educator Wendy Ulmer shows us just that.
This is a really colorful hardbound book with wonderful illustrations. You'll follow along from A to Z and learn what doesn't start with each letter, followed by examples of words that do. You'll also meet all sorts of interesting characters, including "llamas in fuzzy pajamas" and "turtles with purple bow ties." How fun!
We love to read rhyming stories, and this one is absolutely delightful. We think that "G" is definitely for "great book"!
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