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The Bible Answer Book for Students Review by Cari Young

Hank Hanegraaff (The Bible Answer Man)
Published by Thomas Nelson
P. O. Box 8500
Charlotte, NC 28271

The Bible Answer Book for Students is a hardback, pocket sized book with a ribbon bookmark, perfect for a high school or college graduation gift. The cover is designed to be graphically appealing to students, and the pages of the book are also colorfully designed. The author, Hank Hanegraaff, is well known for his radio program which equips Christians with Biblical truths.

The questions in this book range from the timeless (If We Can't See God, How Can We Know He Exists?) to the contemporary (Should Christians Support a Ban on Embryonic Stem Cell Research?). The Bible answers cover the areas of salvation, fellowship, skepticism, science, attributes of God, spiritual growth, spiritual warfare, cultural issues, cults and world religions, New Testament issues, heaven and hell, and Revelation. Each topic is addressed with a two to three page answer, based on a Scripture, with several strong points supporting the Biblical answers. At the end of each answer a resource is recommended for further reading about the topic.

Many of the questions addressed, particularly in the cultural issues section, are controversial, sensitive topics, which might not be appropriate for students younger than high school graduates. I would not recommend having this book readily available around the house where younger students might pick it up and have questions which they are not yet ready to handle. But it would be a good reference for parents, and perhaps a good book to study during a student's last year at home, to provide Biblical answers to questions that may come up as he or she faces our culture.

-Product review by: Cari Young, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, July 2008.