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Professor Horace Cryptozoologist Review by Heidi Strawser
Kevin Scott CollierGuardian Angel Publishing
1119 S. Despelder, #6
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Professor Horace Cryptozoologist is a great new book by author/illustrator, Kevin Scott Collier. Kevin Collier is the author and/or illustrator of over 100 children's books. One book he illustrated won the New York Book Festival 2008. Another was voted one of the top 50 children's books of all time by World Magazine. His current projects include a Christian television program in which he teaches children to draw. In this fiction storybook (suggested for ages 5-12), children will find out what happens when legends collide and an eccentric old man comes face to face with creatures of lore. Professor Horace has a decision to make - will he tell others or will he keep their secret safe? Some of the creatures that Professor Horace encounters in his journeys are the Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot.
I love this book! I always enjoy a good children's book, and I like them even better when they are set to rhyme. Kevin has written an adorable tale of Professor Horace and his journey into cryptozoology and, eventually, obscurity. Kids will love hearing this story and will ask to hear it again and again. The pictures are in classic Kevin Collier style - so colorful and fun to look at. There is so much to take in on each page.
Something that all homeschooling parents will appreciate is the "index of characters" at the back of the book - it explains the myths and legends of the creatures pictured and/or mentioned in the book. This page would be a great introduction for some further research for older kids.
I would definitely purchase this book. All of the proceeds from this book are going to the Christian school that Kevin's son attends, so you know your money is going to a reputable cause, and your children will enjoy this fun tale that is easy enough to read on their own.
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