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Energy: Join the Race to Save the Planet! Review by Lisa Kjeldgaard

By Penny Norman, Ph. D. and Kevin Norman
P.O. Box 20533
El Sobrante, CA 94820-0522

Energy: Join the Race to Save the Planet! contains a 48 page full color instruction book and kit designed for children ages 8 through 80 who want to learn more about what energy is, how we make it now, and what choices there are for energy in the future. The materials that come with the kit, along with some basic household supplies and batteries, come together to supply 22 separate projects. The kit list price is $19.95 though it is readily available for even less from online retailers.

The book begins by defining energy and then describes different types of energy. Through the use of very simple demonstrations such as shooting the included marbles and walking with a book on your head, kinetic and potential energy are clearly explained. One clever feature of the book is the use of questions that students are asked to answer before looking at the following pages. The questions are tough and I found myself very motivated to read on and find the answers. The explanation of changing energy to different forms through the use of batteries, a magnifying glass, a simple motor and other materials clearly drives home the point that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Building on these simple activities, current energy usage is then discussed along with a description of the types of power plants in use today. From there, the book goes on to a description of fossil fuels and a global warming warning that is pretty grim. But as the title of the book hints, the authors have an answer to the question of how to save the planet! A solar energy description is followed by a fantastic solar racer project that my boys had a blast with! They both declared the explanations of the project very easy to understand with illustrations to demonstrate each step clearly. Plans for a super capacitor car and an electric car as well as directions to make your own battery made this kit an incredible hit with my sons. A discussion of hydrogen, fuel cells, and an appendix listing renewable energy sources finish out the book that is full of useful information.

One drawback to this kit is the layout of the book. The pages can be a bit overwhelming with the bright orange color and vast amount of graphics. I felt like I had re-read each page to make sure I didn't miss something with the large number of text boxes and images scattered throughout the pages. However, I strongly believe that Energy: Join the Race to Save the Planet is a solid resource for a family wanting to learn more about energy. While you may not agree with some of the conclusions drawn by the authors regarding global warming trends and oppose the thought that alternative energy sources can save our planet, this kit could be a fantastic starting point for good discussions and further study. The projects are uncomplicated and add much clarity to what could be a confusing subject for a very reasonable cost.

Product review by Lisa Kjeldgaard, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, April 2009