The Old Schoolhouse® Product & Curriculum Reviews

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A Is for Airplane Review by Christy Sensenig

Mary Ann McCabe Riehle
Sleeping Bear Press
310 North Main Street, Suite 300
Chelsea, MI 48118

A Is for Airplane is a delightful children's book written for young and old. It is a hardback book that highlights air flight and incorporates each letter of the alphabet for the preschool-aged child. It also includes on each page a bit of history pertaining to the mode of travel that is highlighted. This is an excellent way to include older children in the story time with the younger ones. There is also a section called "A Fuselage of Fun Facts." This section offers questions of historical significance regarding flight, and the answers to those questions are provided on the following page. If your child loves to learn about air flight, this would be a great way to introduce the subject in an enjoyable format that can be used in any setting.

Having a wide range of ages represented in my home, I was able to see the benefit of a story that addresses the educational needs of a younger and an older child. The illustrations are wonderful, and my children were very excited about what each page would include. They enjoyed reading this story over and over again.

The 40-page book retails for $16.95, which may be a bit expensive for some. But if you do have children with a wide age range, this is a wonderful resource to consider purchasing.

I enjoyed reading this story with my children and will look forward to pulling it off the shelf in the days to come! 

Product review by Christy Sensenig, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, July 2009

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