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Passover Next Door Review by Christine Hindle
By David and Betty WeinbergerAssociation of Messianic Home Educators
553 Irving Place
University Park, IL 60484
I was so excited to get this book to review! As a family, we celebrate Passover every year because we feel that it is a way to make the teachings of the Old Testament very real to each one of us.
This delightful, beautifully illustrated book tells the story of a family who is invited to celebrate the Passover with their next-door neighbors. In the process, they learn about all the traditions of the celebration. I especially like the pictures of the various familiar elements of Passover displayed on each page. For instance, one page has a jar of horseradish in one corner, a lamb shank in another spot, a picture of a boy eating the matzo dipped in the horseradish, and a picture of someone's finger dipping into the grape juice with a caption above, "Blood! Frogs! Lice! Beast! Cattle Disease! Boils! Hail! Locusts! Darkness! Death of the Firstborn!" These are the words you say aloud as you dip your finger into the juice and place a drop on your plate for each one of the plagues. Most of the pictures on these pages are in the forms of "snapshots" taken of the family's celebration, so it's almost as if you are sharing their personal scrapbook.
After the story, there are lyrics of a Messianic adaptation of the traditional "Dayenu" song and recipes for Charoset (a yummy apple and nut mixture that is part of the Passover Seder) and "Passover Chicken." We have always had lamb, but I think Passover Chicken would be a good alternative when lamb is not available.
This book would be a great addition to your family library and a very nice way to teach your children about Passover. I know this book will be brought out for our girls every year at Passover from now on to be read and enjoyed again and again.
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