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Of Plymouth Plantation Review by Kim Wolf

Bradford's History of the Plymouth Settlement 1608-1650

I have to tell you that I had to re-write this review after I saw the PBS "reality show" Colonial House. While watching nearly every show (out of 6 parts) after the narrator would make her comments, I would have to say to my children, "Of course, you realize that that's not what they that happened...why they did that." Having read Of Plymouth Plantation, I was sorely disappointed in their revisionist history...even while trying to re-live it! Admittedly the producers were not trying to recreate the Puritan colony of Plymouth Plantation, but rather an Anglican colony. However, what Governor Bradford wrote from his first person account of colonial life was very different than what the producers of Colonial House imparted!

One of the myths that was supported by the show is that none of the Pilgrims came here for freedom of religion, but for money making ventures instead. Apparently, the producers/historians hadn't gotten their hands on this real, honest-to-goodness diary of someone who was there! Not only did the Puritan Pilgrims come to America for their religious freedom, but after having left England, they spent 12 years in Holland because they wanted to protect their children from the negative peer pressure and the affects they saw the culture having on them. Sound familiar, homeschoolers?

This diary not only covers the reasons they came here, but what happened to them for over forty years afterwards. These entries include such things as the trip over on the Mayflower, the settlement at New Plymouth, marriages, births, deaths, their friendships with the Indians, hardships, victories, new arrivals, disappointments, trials and victories...all the while giving God the glory for having provided and led.

This is an outstanding way to teach our children the truth of God's providence in the settling of our great country.

--Product Review by: Kim Wolf, Staff Writer, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine