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War Child Review by Christine Hindle
Maurine MurchisonChristian Focus Publications
Geanies House Fearn
Tain Ross-shire, Scotland IV20 1TW
War Child is a 112-page paperback for elementary aged children, but adults would also find it very interesting. The author, Maurine Murchison, tells of her experiences during the Second World War in London. Each chapter tells about a different aspect of her life during that time and then relates the experience to a passage or story in the Bible. For instance, in the first chapter she reminisces about the air raid shelters in London and then relates it to the story of Rahab sheltering the Israelite spies. There is a Bible reading assignment at the end of each chapter. There are some extra information pages about WWII at the end of the book, including a timeline and short biographical paragraphs about some of the leading "players" in the war.
The author tells of being sent to her grandmother's in Scotland when it got too dangerous for her to stay in London. In another chapter, she tells about visiting Holland after the war. One chapter that especially appealed to me was the account of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953 (after the war). It was interesting to hear about it from someone who camped on the street for hours to see the Queen pass by. They stood huddling in pouring rain just to get a glimpse, and then it was over in a flash.
My granddaughter read this book and enjoyed it. I feel this book would be a great resource for a World History class, as well as an interesting resource for Bible study. It has earned a spot on our homeschool library shelf. This book sells for $7.95 on Amazon.
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