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With Two Hands: Stories of God at Work in Ethiopia Review by Kim Kargbo
By Rebecca DavisChristian Focus Publications
Geanies House
Fearn, Tain, Ross-shire
IV20 1TW Scotland, UK
This book is a collection of 18 amazing stories of God's work in Ethiopia in the mid to late 1900s through the ministry of Dick and Vida McLellan. The stories will keep you on the edge of your seat with bated breath as you encounter witchdoctors, angry mobs, armed tribesmen, corrupt officials, and harrowing escapes. Each story clearly outlines the hand of God in the lives of the missionaries and their co-workers.
Dick and Vida McLellan became missionaries to Ethiopia in the late 1950s and stayed there for over 30 years throughout Ethiopia's troubled history of communism and hostility to the Gospel. The power of God was undeniable in the things they witnessed during their time there. These stories will challenge your faith, grow your vision of God, and spark a flame in your heart for those who haven't heard the Gospel. Watch as witchdoctors raise two hands in the air and proclaim, "With this hand I renounce the devil and all his works! With this hand I surrender to Jesus Christ! All that I have and all that I am!"
This book is written for children, and care is taken to be tasteful in the telling of the sensitive stories. However, the stories are full of intrigue, hair-raising encounters, and adventure. Truly the work of the cross is never boring. For any family who wants to raise world-changers, this book should be added to their repertoire. A study guide is included in the back of the book with discussion questions for each story and Scripture references.
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