The Old Schoolhouse® Product & Curriculum Reviews

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BibleWorks Software Review by Paul and Gena Suarez


Where do I begin? Few products stun me - it seems I have examined them all! For product reviews, The Old Schoolhouse does not have a rating system. We simply tell you about the product and how/why we liked it when we studied it. If we did have such a system, however, BibleWorks would receive ten stars on a five-star scale. Never in my life would I have known so much information could be organized onto one small CD. If I could extract all of this from the program, which fits in my palm, and turn it into one large physical library, complete with the Bibles, lexicons, Bible dictionaries, concordances, timelines, Bible outlines, topical studies and the like, it would obviously take up an entire home library, with the shelves bursting underneath! How is it possible to compile so many study tools onto one small disc? I would not say I am all that old, but advanced technology is telling me otherwise. Please pay close attention to this review, as two of you have an opportunity to WIN one of these enormous programs. Our website will explain how you can win - you must write an essay. If you do not have access to the web, just call us at 1-530-823-0447. We'll explain the details. Entrants will be chosen on May 1, so enter quickly. Any pastor in the world would want what we are about to show you, and actually, scores of pastors have already scooped this treasure up, to forever cherish in their digital libraries. The essay contest is OPEN to pastors, laymen, homeschoolers, regular schoolers, college graduates, seminary students, Bible college hopefuls, housewives, dads, anyone.

My mind still cannot comprehend how so many translations can be here, but they are. And not only every Bible you can think of, but also important analysis tools like original language texts, lexicons, dictionaries, word pictures, Strongs codes and so much more. The program even comes with a second CD that supplies you with video demos (four hours of training!) so you know you are using the program correctly. Need tech support while using it? It's free! Some grammar lessons are included in the program, to help you with translating. Keep in mind, all translations are there - English (several - NASB, NIV, KJV, NKJ, ESV, RSV, ASV, NRS and more!), Greek, Latin, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Albanian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Hebrew, Indonesian, Russian, Ukrainian, Brazilian, plus the Jewish Bible, JPS Holy Scriptures, JPS TANAKH, NAVE Topical Bible, Robertson Word Pictures in the Greek New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Friberg Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Westminster Hebrew Old Testament Morphology and a lot more - I just haven't the room on this web page to list it all! Of course, BibleWorks also includes a thick manual for us. People who are serious about learning how to interpret God's Word and understanding the all-important meanings of hermeneutics and exegesis should check this product out and become deeply acquainted with it. It could be life changing. Out of every product The Old Schoolhouse has reviewed to date, to us - this one is themost important. Ten stars on a scale of five.

-- Product Review by: The Suarez Family, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine