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Flight of the Plover: The Amazing Migration Between Hawaii and Alaska Review by Karen Yuen

Debbie S. Miller
University of Alaska Press
794 University Avenue, Suite 220
Fairbanks, AK 99709

Every spring, the amazing Plover birds fly non-stop over 3000 miles from Hawaii to Alaska, in order to nest and hatch their young. By summer's end, the adults leave their little ones and fly back to Hawaii, while the fledglings continue fattening up. A few weeks later, these young birds fly alone to their winter home in Hawaii, even though they have never been there before! Amazing! The illustrations and beautiful writing style make this book well worth purchasing. It would be a valuable addition to any ornithology study.   Incorporating it in a geography study would be nice, too.  

The book begins with a beautiful map showing the annual migration rout of the Pacific Golden Plover between Hawaii and Alaska. Children are also introduced to the Plover's neighbors - from the giant Hawaiian goose, to the musk ox, grizzly bear, arctic fox, and sandhill crane. This book contains a guide to teach children how to correctly pronounce Hawaiian and Eskimo words found in the book. The last page of the book contains a plethora of wonderful scientific facts, including lifespan, wingspan, Latin name, nesting habits, and migration details. Highly recommended!

Product Review by Karen Yuen, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, January, 2012