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Track That Scat! Review by Christine Hindle

Sleeping Bear Press
315 E. Eisenhower Pkwy, Ste. 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

This is a lovely hardback book with a dustcover, consisting of approximately 32 glossy, beautifully illustrated pages. The book is for ages 4-8, according to the publisher.

This is a cute book about a little girl's walk through the woods, accompanied by her dog. Along the way, they find animal droppings. The book identifies each kind, and also shows the tracks that animal or bird would typically make. There is also more information about each animal or bird. This would be a fun book to pair with a homeschool nature study, or as part of a science curriculum. That is how we will use it at our house. Even my older granddaughter likes this book, mostly because she can never get enough information about animals to suit her.

I discovered an online Teacher's Guide here:

This guide includes all kinds of ideas, information and activities to incorporate this book into your curriculum.

This book sells for $15.96 on the Sleeping Bear Press website. This is a great value for a very special book!

Product Review by Christine Hindle, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, March 2012