The Old Schoolhouse® Product & Curriculum Reviews
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Jensen's Grammar Review by Christine Field
1355 Ferry Rd.
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Jensen's Grammar: Your One Step Source for Learning Grammar by Frode Jensen
Maybe you are familiar with a Journey Through Grammar Land, the series for 5th, 6th and 7th graders which presents grammar within the context of an allegorical Pilgrim's Progress type story which engages while it teaches. Its creator, Frode Jensen, has several other products worth taking a look at.
Jensen's Grammar, for grades 7 through 12, is a program designed to be done in one year, although it can be broken up into a longer time period. It teaches grammar from a very practical perspective, focusing on teaching the student how to write good sentences. Concepts are repeated and introduced incrementally. The book is written to the student with comprehensive explanations followed by opportunities to practice the concept. The softbound text has 75 lessons with some supplemental lessons at the end. Coupled with the test and answer booklet, this program offers a complete, relatively painless grammar course for your middle to high school student.
Jensen is also the author of Jensen's Vocabulary which can also be used from 7th through 12th grade. The student learns Greek and Latin roots and affixes, then applies this knowledge to extensive Latin and Greek vocabulary lessons. The student is encouraged to use their reasoning skills to figure out unknown words. While the first few lessons may be tough, the student then gets into a routine and effectively learns words and definitions.
The third product I looked at was Jensen's Format Writing: How to Write Easily and Well. The program is designed to teach expository writing, such as paragraphs, essays and research reports. Also covered are letters, book reports, essay tests and resumes. Designed for use in high school, the book may be used over a period of two years. The approach is comprehensive and no-nonsense. A student who seriously applies herself to this study will become a competent writer.