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The Tinker and the Fold: Part One: The Problem with Solaris 3; The Tinker and the Fold: Part Two: The Rise of the Boe Review by Amanda Hopkins
Evan & Scott Gordon
“They have been watching… Because of him, they are coming…” This is what drew me to The Tinker and The Fold Series, and what got me hooked on it as well.
Our family has always loved science fiction. We love anything science fiction, yet finding a Young Adult novel that would interest my kids is hard. They have high expectations. The Tinker and The Fold has caught their attention and left them wanting more.
The Tinker and The Fold Part One: The Problem with Solaris 3 and The Tinker and the Fold Part Two: The Rise of the BOE written by Evan and Scott Gordon are paperback books, both of which are about 200 pages of adventure! Evan and Scott are a father son team who worked together to write a great series that is perfect for any family to read!
This series follows Jett Javelin Junior during his eighth-grade year. Everything is fine and dandy, until The Fold notices some action coming from Solaris 3, specifically from Jett himself and his newest invention. The first book of this series follows the journey that Jett takes after being taken by the fold, from his time in Tower 100 to a castaway and a savior.
The second book in the series picks up at the end of the first, drawing you back into the adventure of Jett and The Fold. Only this time Jett has a whole new adventure on his hands. He needs to help his father, only he doesn’t reach his father, he goes farther and now has some new struggles on his hands.
When you think of Science Fiction novels, you think of a fun story to read. One that is just there for enjoyment, not learning. Only Evan and Scott have decided that this is not the case with The Tinker and The Fold. This series takes us to the point of imagination, but also pulls in valuable life lessons. They come in hints, there is nothing that stand out and says look at this. Rather we connect the dots and see that fun can also be put into real life. The Fold stands by The Ten Laws, if you are a Christian, you can relate these Ten Laws to The Ten Commandments. Not only this, but we see the struggles of Jett. With these struggles, we see him working hard to overcome these struggles.
Evan and Scott have worked hard to give young adults the action and adventure that they crave, with the fundamental life skills that mom and dads want them to learn. If your child is into the science fiction world, why not give them a book series that you approve of and let it be a win-win situation?
After reading these two books, I am excited to be sharing them with my kids. Not only that, but I am looking forward to the third installment of this series. I look forward to reading more of Jett’s adventures and sharing them with my kids. It is not often that I can say that about a science fiction series, but this one is perfect for the whole family!
-Product review by Amanda Hopkins, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, January, 2016
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