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Be a Young Entrepreneur Review by Jennifer King
Adam SutherlandBarron's Educational Series, Inc.
250 Wireless Blvd
Hauppauge, NY 11788
My two boys are 11 and 7, and they are quite creative if I might say so myself. They also both love to shop for Legos and Snap Circuits and all kinds of other stuff. Since we aren’t rich, and we want to be careful to raise kids who are wise when it comes to money, I was eager to review Be a Young Entrepreneur, written by Adam Sutherland, from Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.
My boys were quite excited when this one arrived too! Since they weren’t sure why they would want to be an entrepreneur and they weren’t exactly sure what one was we began to read. This is a great book for kids who are business - minded. Or even kids who love to create and have lots of great ideas.
The book begins by helping our kids to understand why they would want to be a young entrepreneur in the first place. My kids were definitely on-board when they realized this could help them to make money for themselves. The fact that they could have fun at the same time was definitely a good encouragement.
Throughout the pages of the book, our kids learn how to make their own business plan.
Learn how to make money blogging, Youtubing, building apps, or consulting using social media. These are just some of the opportunities presented in this book to help our kids make money and make a difference too!
What about the time involved? Or the market? There are great questions to consider too as our kids plan the business they want to make for themselves. There are links within these pages to helpful articles online as well as examples of current companies that are a big hit out there.
This book even covers how to determine if you need a license to operate your business and introduces our kids to the different laws that apply to businesses, both big and small ones.
This is a fabulous book for any kid that is interested in learning more about business and especially handy for any who want to start their own. This is full of great material to help guide them from beginning to end. It is both fun and informative making it a great resource for kids from ages 9 on up.
-Product review by Jennifer King, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, April, 2017
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