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ArithHelper Next Generation Workbook Review by Teri Lucas

Moca Educational Products, Inc.
P. O. Box 117
Middletown, NJ 07733
(732) 275-1267

Wow, it really is an electronic workbook! ArithHelper is a convenient and, may I say, deceitful way to get your child aged six to 12 to practice math. My son could play with the computer all day, but sit him down with a math worksheet and he tires quite easily.

ArithHelper covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The first section "Drill Sergeant" randomly selects problems at a specified level of difficulty for your child to complete. The child performs the selected operation just as he or she would when figuring a textbook problem. The program does not give answers, rather will gently correct the child as the problem is being worked. This allows the child to make the correction before he or she is finished with the problem. ArithHelper then responds with "correct" when the computation is finished. "Drill Sergeant" can be used either in a timed or un-timed mode.

Section II is labeled "Homework Helper." In this, the child enters the problem that he wishes to solve. The computer sets up the problem and again does not give an answer. As each portion of the solution is entered, the correction takes place.

I would purchase this program solely for section III alone. "Time Teller" is fabulous! Once more, time is generated in a random fashion and shows the position of hands on a clock face. There are six "faces" from which to choose. These range from a fully marked clock face with a red hand marking hours and a blue hand for minutes to a totally blank clock. The program can be set to select time in hours, half-hours, quarter hours, and by the minute.

ArithHelper is just like adding a little something to replace the boredom of tedious drill work. Still, it is not a razzmatazz-entertain-the-child type program. It is quite simply a slight variation on the "drill." At $9.95 a shot plus s/h, this is one shot I wouldn't mind getting! If you have a student who needs to practice, plain and simple, this one's for you.

-- Product Review by: Teri Lucas, Product Reviewer, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine