The Old Schoolhouse® Product & Curriculum Reviews

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Will the Lights Go Out? (child's book) Review by Michelle Urdak

Laurie Bliese

The book Will the Lights Go Out? begins inside a warm kitchen where the little girl is preparing Thanksgiving pies with her mom. Outside the snow is falling. The more the snow falls, the more nervous the little girl becomes. When the lights begin to flicker, she becomes afraid that they will soon lose electricity and be in the dark. When the lights do go out, the little girl is scared. Her parents jump into action and make what started as a scary night into a fun adventure complete with a lesson on praying for others.

The book is illustrated with beautiful pastel drawings. The images are of the little girl and her family throughout the evening and next morning. I loved the images of the snow. I could almost picture myself in the scene of the book.

I also enjoyed the way the mom in the story comforted her daughter by teaching her to pray for others and reminding her that she should be thankful that she was safe and warm inside her home. Anytime there is a storm, my little girl begins to experience fears and doubts about her safety. She begins to ask where we will go, if we will be safe, and what about the animals. My husband and I try to ease her fears by snuggling together on the couch, reading Bible verses, and praying with her.This book was a great way to teach her that she could pray for others as well. I know that in my own life there are many times when I let fear get the best of me. This was a great reminder that shifting my focus and praying for others is always best!

Will the Lights Go Out? is a great read-aloud for families to help address fears. It helps us remember to be thankful for what we have and to pray for others. You can purchase your copy on Amazon for $11.99. 

-Product review by Michelle Urdak, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, July 2017

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