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Do Baby Bears Have Mommies? and Does God Take Naps? - From the I've Got Questions Series Review by Cassie Deputie

Crystal Brown and Teri McKinley
Tyndale House Publishing Inc.
351 Executive Drive
Carol Stream, IL 60188

“Mommy! What’s that?”“Mommy, why does Daddy have to work?”“Mom! What are those ants doing?” Kids ask questions. Lots of questions! I think God made them this way to make our job of teaching them about Him easier. Once they ask a question, we’re reminded that we’re to be teaching them about Him!

Crystal Brown and Teri McKinley’s I’ve Got Question Series includes the books Do Baby Bears Have Mommies? and Does God Take Naps? and endeavors to answer some of the many questions that kids tend to ask. Oh, what a blessing these books have been to all my kids ranging from one to six years old! They are written in poetic format with cute rhymes and colorful pictures.

Do Baby Bears Have Mommies? answers questions such as are ladybugs both girls and boys even though their called ladybugs? When elephants go to sleep, do they use big fluffy pillows? This book is very cute, causes little ones to giggle, and actually gives them scientifically correct answers that are true for the animal kingdom while expounding on the greatness and intricacy of our God.

Does God Take Naps? was my favorite book from this series. I took this book with me when my son was going in for a surgery to read to him. What a great reminder of God’s precious love for our little ones! He knows their tears, what scares them, yet He holds all things in His great big hands. Important truths that are imparted to the infant listers also include the fact that God hears our prayers and He knows all the answers to our questions.

Another noteworthy trait of these books is that the children presented in them are culturally diverse. Having children of a mixed race myself, this isn’t a very important thing to us, but it may be something that other families are looking for, and this book meets that standard.

If I could grade these books, they would receive an “A plus”! I loved them and plan on purchasing more copies as gifts at future baby showers that I attend. What better way to apply Deuteronomy 6 and “teach these things diligently to your children” then to rest their curious minds with the truth of God’s character using these creative books!

-Product review by Cassie Deputie, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, July 2017

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