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X3 Hurricane Canless Air System Review by Kate Kessler

Canless Air System
3519 E Shea Blvd., Suite 130
Phoenix, Arizona 85028

Where has this product been? As the wife of an IT Tech, and a person who works from home via the internet, I know how important dust-free computer components are for optimum performance. If you own a computer, you know you need canned air. However, canned air has its own issues; environmentally unfriendly and it can be used to “get high” by children as young as eight. In steps the X3 Hurricane Canless Air System to the rescue! Not only does it remove the repeated expense, but also eliminates waste and there’s no danger to children or teens. While these are awesome benefits, the very best one for us was its many uses for cleaning and crafting.

I received this product shortly before my son left for Marine boot camp. He works with wood, leather, and metal and I told him to give it the garage test. I wanted to know if it could do more than just blow out a dirty computer. He used it for a month and came and told me it was his favorite tool in the garage! (And we have a lot of tools!) He uses a lathe and an angle grinder for various metal and wood projects and it gets metal or wood shavings everywhere. They get in the joints and the small places on each machine and now he just blows it out with his Hurricane. He absolutely loves it and literally had it by his side as he was completing projects. He was using it as he worked to keep the work area clean too. It’s very versatile and once I tried it in the house, I understood why he liked it so much.

It can be used for difficult-to-dust areas as the blast of air that comes out of a variety of tube choices that come along with it, can reach up to 260 mph. I used it to dust my wooden blinds. It will run for 15 minutes before you need to recharge it and it comes with the cord that plugs into a standard wall unit to do so. If you use it continually, the handle will get warm, but not hot, and you can tell when the battery needs a recharge. The prices range for different units and range from $89.95-$229.95. For a tool that is going to last and have multiple uses, this is right in the appropriate price range.

If you own a computer, if you are a woodworker, metal worker, leather worker, or any sort of crafter, you know how important quality clean-up is, and how difficult it can sometimes be without the right tool. The X3 Hurricane Canless Air System is a great solution.

-Product review by Kate Kessler, Product Reviews Director, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, June, 2018