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Jude's Gentle Giants / Surrendering The Reins Review by Jennifer Ladewig

Les Graham
Britchin Books by Colfax Publishing
616 270th Ave NW Suite G
New London, MN 56273

Jude’s Gentle Giants is a 211-page paperback book and Surrendering The Reins is a 194-page paperback book about young Jude, a horse loving young man growing up on a farm in Belgrade, Minnesota in 2005. Each book can be purchased separately for $14.95. Right now, you can purchase signed copies of both books, Surrendering The Reins and Jude’s Gentle Giants, for $20.98!

My 12-year-old daughter said, “Jude’s Gentle Giants is about 16-year-old Jude who lives on a farm and who loves horses. One day while working at his neighbors ranch his neighbor brought up that he needed help during the summer. As a reward for his help his neighbor would give Jude the foal that was about to be born. Jude was very excited and agreed but needed to ask his parents. After talking about it his parents agreed. While working washing and grooming the horses Jude started to favor Molly, the very pregnant mare. Some time had passed, and Jude was very excited about the foal’s birth. He slept in the stable. The mare, Molly had twins! Jude named one of the twins Pete and the other one Joe. Jude got to keep both foals. A few days later Jude’s grandfather came, and they built two stalls for Pete and Joe. When the foals were able to come live with Jude all Jude wanted was to pet and love on them, but their neighbor started training with Jude.”

I don’t want to give the whole story away, so I had my daughter only share part of the story.

My 12-year-old daughter said, “Surrendering The Reins is a sequel to Jude’s Gentle Giants. The book starts off with Jude bitter with anger following prom night where Greg Shants and his boys beat Jude up. Jude is figuring out how to get revenge when his dad steps in to remind him that pride comes before the fall and that how Jude needs to not seek revenge but rather allow God’s wrath to work instead. Jude was graduating from high school. Jude worked with Joe and Pete. Judy and Jude go riding and they begin talking about their lives and beliefs. Judy’s parents are not believer’s say that church goers are basically a bunch of hypocrites and sinners. Jude and Judy start dating. Joe and Pete are entered into the Stearns County Fair. Jude has his sights on Bible college and then training to care for a horse’s hooves. Judy wants to go to nursing school.”

I told my daughter not to give too much detail so as not to give away the best parts of the book.

Both of these books would be suitable for upper elementary and above. Wholesome values, life lessons, Christian faith, character, and the importance of family is definitely evident throughout both books. These books would be of great interest to those like my daughter who love animals and of course for those that love horses. I would absolutely recommend these books to others.

-Product review by Jennifer Ladewig, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, July, 2018

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