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Andi Dreams of Gold and Andi Far from Home Review by Pam Havens
Circle C Stepping Stones, Books 5 and 6Susan K. Marlow
Kregel Publications
2450 Oak Industrial Dr NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
A good book has the ability to allow the imagination to fully encompass one’s mind, as well as the author transporting the reader into another time, era and place. And that is exactly what Susan K. Marlow does through Circle C Stepping Stones #5, Andi Dreams of Gold, and Circle C Stepping Stones #6, Andi Far from Home. Recommended for ages 7-10, yet these books will delight readers of all ages, especially those who are particularly fond of horses. There are six-chapter books in the Circle C Stepping Stone series and cost $7.99 each. It is certainly not necessary to read this series in order, yet if read in sequential order it will be easier to follow the story line without questioning the details. The stepping stone series are complete in themselves. However, a lapbook is designed to accompany each book for a more enriching read, which includes information on the history, time period, activities, crafts, as well as questions for comprehension. For the first book in the series there is an audio version. Additional resources include free learning guides and coloring pages which are found on the Circle C Adventures webpage or another option is to purchase them if unable to have them printed. Each chapter book begins with definitions for explaining new words used throughout the book, and at the end a one-page summary of historical information. The chapters for Stepping Stones #5 and #6 are seven pages in length, with twelve chapters total. These simple chapter books are great for emerging readers without an overwhelming amount of words.
Susan K. Marlow writes from a Biblical worldview set in the late 1800’s wild west era in California. Andrea Carter, also known as Andi, is the youngest of five children on Circle C. ranch. She is very fond of horses, especially her horse Taffy, and is always looking for ways to have an adventure with her friend Cory. Andi Dreams of Gold is set during the California gold rush and everyone, including Andi, captures gold fever. As rumors begin to stir about other’s finding gold, Andi begins to imagine that there must be gold near Circle C ranch. She is determined to strike it rich and find that sparkly metal that everyone is talking about. Although her older brothers agree to let her go panning for gold they have yet to tell her the secret to finding real gold, as opposed to fool’s gold. With Cory beside her they set off to have the ultimate gold panning adventure, that is until a spring storm ruins the day’s mission. Plans quickly go awry and Andi finds herself in some very precarious situations, which include a missing horse, an unconscious friend, a so it seems frightening bear, as well as an encounter with Loony Lou who has a reputation for dealing unkindly with trespassing visitors. Suspense, action, adventure, and laughter are incorporated into this read, as well as character qualities and Biblical lessons.
Andi Far from Home is set in the time period of the late 1800’s during a scarlet fever epidemic. Fresno, California, where Circle C. ranch is located, has had an unexpected outbreak and unfortunately no one is safe from this dangerous fever. Uncertain of where and who it will strike next, Andi’s mother is extremely scared for her little girl’s safety. After townspeople, friends, ranch hands and now her older brother Mitch are beginning to display signs of scarlet fever Andi is sent to live with her cranky Aunt Rebecca and sister Melinda in the city of San Francisco. Andi of course has no intention of leaving her horse Taffy and the ranch, yet her mother knows just how deadly this fever really is and convinces her that she must go. By train she travels with older brother Justin to the big, noisy city yet her heart is uncertain of how living with her aunt will turn out. Andi knows her aunt is extremely bossy and only wants to train her to be a lady, which means no mud, messes, adventures or fun. However, before leaving Fresno Andi and Justin learn that their town doctor is too exhausted to continue on tending to the sick, including their brother Mitch. This is where Andi’s unlikely adventure begins. She is determined to somehow find a big city doctor to help Dr.Weaver, her brother and all the sick people, until he is fully recovered. Yet her plans do not go accordingly, and Aunt Rebecca is unwilling to assist her in anyway for fear of what other’s might think. Bored, miserable and ready to go home Andi has yet to encounter a mystery friend named Brody, an ocean encounter, a fine dining experience that turns into a crazy fiasco because of a crab, a cat that seems to escape at every chance, and a lovely surprise that will set her heart at ease from all the worry back home. Laced with Biblical lessons and character qualities makes this book a heartwarming adventure. One will certainly fall in love with Andrea Carter and all the precarious mishaps that she always seems to find herself involved in.
My daughter, age 8, and I read these two books during our real aloud times, as she is not yet reading chapter books. Reading three chapters per day we were able to finish each book within a week. My independent reader, age 10, read each book within a few hours. These books are fantastic to incorporate into any unit study on American History of the 1800’s or read as a standalone series. Either way they appeal to both genders, even though the main character is a girl. I am able to reference these books when real life situations arise, and we can talk about how Andi would handle the situation or how she would appropriately engage with an adult. My daughter thinks Andi is amazingly witty and enjoys laughing at all the misfortunate situations she gets herself into. Knowing this is written from a Biblical worldview I find this series to be a delightful read, and I am encouraged that Susan K. Marlow takes the time to incorporate character traits, lessons and qualities throughout each book. With simplistic chapters and words emerging readers will be able to engage their minds and not get easily distracted with not understanding the context or meaning. These chapter books are best for families who are wanting a Biblical worldview incorporated into their children’s reading adventures.
We have read the entire Stepping Stone series and have thoroughly enjoyed each book. I highly recommend reading Andi Dreams of Gold and Andi Far from Home, as well as this entire series, because there are so many life lessons to be learned from Andrea Carter. My daughter is eager for Susan to write more of the Stepping Stone series
Great books, and engaged imaginations, should leave the reader wanting more by that author. And this is exactly how the Circle C Stepping Stone Series is created.
-Product review by Pam Havens, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, July, 2018
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