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Write Your Roots Review by Stephanie D. Scarborough

Carole Thaxton, M.S.
KONOS Connection
P.O. Box 142099
Fayetteville, GA 30214

What an upbeat, personal way of learning writing. All the while, you're bringing your family closer by sharing your history and your hearts.

A mix of excitement and sadness flooded me as I perused the pages of Write Your Roots. My children are given the opportunity to ask and learn from those who love them most. The sadness came when I realized that many stories have been lost as my grandparents are no longer available to share. How I'd love to have a day to spend just listening to them tell stories about the war to the orange groves they owned. As I struggle to remember, I think of the gift I will be giving my children by the records they will write.

The book includes the steps to write your story; moreover, it has lessons to improve writing skills. Grammar is covered in the context of writing thus making it practical. The children see the use of punctuation to get your meaning across, not just a drill of meaningless sentences. I personally like to investigate things that are going to help me or allow me to function better. Kids, in much the same way, like to explore when there is a reason.

A few of the many reasons for using this curriculum are listed:

Write for a reason
The thrill of investigation
Watch God's hand at work in family history
Creating titles
Working together as a family
Laugh a lot
A family history collection-a treasure!

Here's a snapshot of the Write Your Roots.

A complete language arts program for the year
One-year project for grades 5-12
The book is divided into 30 steps-approximately one per week
Each step has three sections: Learn, practice/prepare, apply.
Time requirements for the learn section are 1-2 hours per week and 3-6 hours for the practice and apply sections but variable based on students needs and abilities.
Completed project will include 12 to 24 stories

This book blends a need for learning writing skills with a love for family. What an awesome combination.

There is no time like the present. Start writing your roots!

--Product Review by: Stephanie D. Scarborough, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine