The Old Schoolhouse® Product & Curriculum Reviews
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This Is How I Grow Review by Melissa Bontadelli
Dia L. MichelsScience, Naturally!
725 8th Street SE
Washington, D.C. 20003
This Is How I Grow is an illustrated book describing the life cycles of eight different mammal babies. A supplement to the book is a teacher’s guide can be downloaded and/or printed from their website. The teacher’s guide is broken into three sections. There is a section for book-based activities, there is a section on life cycles and there is a section with hands-on activities. The book is sold for $12.95.
Beautifully illustrated, the book is intended for ages seven to ten. In our environment, I used it with a student age six and a student age nine. The book held both of their interest. We used it as a supplement during our science time. Supplementing with the teacher’s guide, we were able to use the book and the guide for many weeks’ worth of work. The book and teacher’s guide are perfect for homeschool use. They would allow you to fully explore any one of the three areas that the teacher’s guide outlines.
We enjoyed both the first reading of the book and the deep dive allowed by the teacher’s guide. It is a nice large book with illustrations that allow for exploring each one to find interesting animals and information about the habitat. Initially, as I read the book, I was disappointed that it was not showing me where the animals were in relation to the world. Then, we made it to the end of the story and a map appeared with a picture of each mammal in their proper spot.
The ages were appropriate for the teacher’s guide work, but this book could be read to any aged child. Following the guide work is what makes this book valuable. The activities and lessons presented there enhanced the theme of the book and let my students dive deeper into the topic, which is what they always want to do anyway. I recommend this book as a read for all ages.
Product review by Melissa Bontadelli, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, August 2020
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