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Raising Boys to Men Review by Deborah Wuehler

Durenda Wilson has done it again! 

Author of The Four Hour School Day, Durenda brings incredibly practical and rousing help in Raising Boys to Men. The subtitle says much: A Simple, Mercifully Short Book on Raising and Homeschooling Boys.

In this culture where blatant sin is idolized, and the roles of men are all but extinguished, we are here raising our sons in the midst of purposeful discipleship and, yes, a lively spiritual battle. The enemy wants our boys, but Durenda gives us hands-on practical advice to protect them and raise them to be warriors in God’s Kingdom.

Questions will be answered, such as: Are boys misunderstood? Are boundaries important? Is work a gift or a curse? What kind of mission do boys need?

Present-day culture is wrong . . . but we can raise them right. As Durenda correctly says, “We live in a brave new world that has dramatically changed. This is why we must get a grip on what it means to raise our boys to be men.”

If you are raising homeschooled boys, read and share this book.—Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and mother of five sons

Product review by Deb Wuehler, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, April 2024