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Color Phonics By Alpha Omega Review by Jo-Ann Stitham

From the moment we opened the box, Emily, my bright-eyed three year old asked, "When are you going to teach me to read?" Being our youngest child, I had it in my mind that she couldn't possibly be ready yet. Even with her showing the many signs leading up to independent reading, I just didn't want her to grow past needing me, her mom, to read to her. The Color Phonics system sat on my desk for a few days while other things occupied my time with Emily. Every day, she asked the same question of me, "Mom, when are you going to teach me to read?". My answer was always the same, "soon". As I was preparing lunch, I heard the familiar noises of Emily putting one of her games into the computer to play. She has been able to use the computer on her own for about a year now. She called to me, "Mom, can you ..'stall this?" What she meant was she wanted me to install the disk. I came to look, thinking she had put in one of her older sister's games. Well, needless to say, she was ready to read! And lunch had to wait as I pulled up another chair and we explored Color Phonics together. From the very beginning of the program, it's catchy images and colors drew Emily right in. Using color to explain the different ways sounds are represented in words has been a great way to teach her. She loves that she can do this with or without me, often pushing me away saying, "I can do it by myself, Mom!". I really like the fact that I can turn off the colored text so that my older reader can practice and "play" with Emily together. As parents, we teach our children, from the day that God presents them to us. We teach them to say, "that" instead of "dat", and we explain that "goed" should be said as "went". After they've learned these basic things from us, it's time for more. Color Phonics gave my 3 yo the excitement of learning to read while I sat beside her or when she wanted to be "a big girl" and do it on her own. Another great product from Alpha Omega. On a scale of 1 to 5, this one gets 5 gold stars!

-- Product Review by: Jo-Ann Stitham, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine