The Old Schoolhouse® Product & Curriculum Reviews

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Teaching Character through Literature Review by Anissa DeGrasse

Primary and Intermediate Grades
By: Rebecca Berg
Beautiful Feet Books
1306 Mill St.
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

I love a good character-training curriculum and Rebecca has hit the mark with this one!

This study guide consists of two book lists; one for early readers or a list of read-aloud books for younger children. There are two reading lists for each level, one categorized by author and the other by title. Each listing consists of a short summary of the recommended book and/or a short history of the author's work. The book lists include great literature and are easily found at your local library. The suggested reading lists are books that children love to read and they make the character trait come to life.

After the reading list, there are study notes that lay the foundation for each lesson. The lessons consist of a recommended book, corresponding Bible verses, and questions pertaining to the reading. The lessons are short and require little preparation. In addition to the reading there are discussion questions, writing and copy work suggestions all will help to anchor the character quality into the child's mind.

We loved using this guide for our character studies because the books were great and the lessons sparked great conversations. We loved the ease at which the lessons flow and that all of my children could study one trait at their own level of understanding. I like study guides that do not require much preparation on my part and this took no time at all to prepare for the lessons. I looked at our book list, checked out the books from the library and sat down to enjoy reading with my children. We read the book, read the Bible verse, discussed the character quality and then they would copy the Bible verse. This is an asset to any homeschool library!

The author, Rebecca, is a homeschool graduate! She majored in English at Hillsdale College and studied British Literature at Oxford University. She has also authored A History of Science and co-authored Early American and World History with her mother, Rea Berg. Be sure to visit the Beautiful Feet website for a list of all of their homeschool curriculum guides, timelines and collections of books! If you homeschool using "Living Books" then you'll LOVE Beautiful Feet!

-- Product Review by: Anissa DeGrasse, Senior Homeschool Nation Coordinator, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

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