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The Creation Interpretation Review by Teri Lucas

By Catie Frates
Noble Publishing Associates
710 NE Cleveland ST. STE 170
Gresham, Oregon 97030
(503) 667-5084

Are you looking for a simple, easy to read, quality Biblical overview of science and natural history? The Creation Interpretation by Catie Frates gives you as a parent the solid framework from which to teach Creation Science and to begin a Biblical timeline of history. This is a handbook, an entry-level reference for teaching science from a Biblical worldview. Reading The Creation Interpretation is like taking a prep course in Creationism. Armed with this book, you will be able to answer the most common questions about evolution versus creation. In addition, you will have a reference listing of more in depth materials for further study.

Chapter I opens with a brief explanation of the way in which scientific theories are developed. From there, the material is divided into three main parts. Part I covers "Ancient History" - Creation Week and the Pre-Flood World, the Flood, and the Ice Age. Part II moves into "The Interpretation of Rocks and Fossils" - Evolutionists versus Creationists. Part III refers to the "Application" of this information. Included is a comparison chart to help the parent translate evolutionary geological ages into a Biblical framework. This is extremely helpful if you are using both secular and Christian materials in your teaching, or are comparing the two for an older student.

Although each chapter boldly highlights several resources for further study, there is a fourth section entitled "References," which includes fact sheets, Biblical references, and a very nice itemized list of even more resources. Mrs. Frates is also available for speaking engagements and has a catalog available by phone or mail at Censored Science, P. O. Box 457, Morriston, FL 32668, e-mail, or call (352) 528-2255.

Creatively written with just a touch of light-hearted humor, you will find The Creation Interpretation another one of those quick reads, yet packed with information. You won't be overwhelmed with too many theories or facts that you don't understand, or just can't keep straight. I don't know about you, but as a busy mother of two energetic boys, I like my information short, concise, and to the point. I also like to be able to get that information from the book quickly when I need it, not paging through massive amounts of material to find a reference. The Creation Interpretation is an excellent tool for doing just that!

-- Product Review by: Teri Lucas, Staff Writer, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine