Who Will Teach These Children

Is our culture becoming ethically better or morally worse? What would it take to bring true positive change into our future? The solution lies in my home and yours: our very own children are the answer to this ancient problem. The cultural elite know this fact; therefore, everyone and their Uncle want a hand in shaping the minds of our offspring in order to advance their ideas and agendas into the future. I think I’d rather not hand my children off to those who have been raised in, and want to raise my children in, ideologies that differ from the non-negotiable Biblical ones I hold. If Godly children are the answer to the evils of the future, then Godly parents are the answer to the question of who will teach them. What do Godly parents look like? I would hope they look like you and me. When our children are grown, I think we would all love to look back and see that our children proclaimed truth and did not give way to fear, or cultural relevance, or peer pressure. We would love to know that our children held their ground and stood up for what was righteous and holy. We would love to be able to look back and see well-disciplined and well-discipled children who honored God with their lives no matter the opposition. This begs the observation that in order to look back and see such a wonder, we need to look at our own children today and ask ourselves the question, are we teaching them, and what are we teaching them?