12 Reason Why My First Grader Loves Homeschool

Often we wonder if our kids enjoy homeschooling. Do they love it…hate it…tolerate it…thrive in it. Well my 1st grader has something to say about why she loves to homeschool. We are about to start her 3rd year being educated at home…preschool, kindergarten, and now 1st grade. She has her days where she doesn’t want to sit or memorize or practice, but that’s pretty typical for any child. Generally, however, she enjoys it and she is truly a joy to teach. So enough of me; you want to hear from her. Here are my 6 YO’s top reasons for loving homeschool, in her words.
- Because I am with my mama at home
~We school 4 days a week for 36 weeks a year typically starting in August and ending in June.
- Because I love spending time with my mama
~I love spending time with my girls too. That is one of the main reasons why we homeschool. I’ve taught them most of what they know up until now; why should I stop now? I don’t want to spend time with them after an 8 hour school day away from me when they are already drained and exhausted. I want to spend good quality time with them every day.
- Because I can learn about the Bible a lot
~Yet another reason we chose to homeschool is because most schools leave God out. We believe in the Bible and want to follow the Lord so we give ample time for studying the Bible, memorizing scripture, reading Bible stories, and putting its principles into action in everyday life.
- Because I get lots of breaks
~She does indeed get lots of breaks for me to teach her younger sister or take care of the few daycare babies I have in my care. I believe these breaks are much needed at this age (and beyond) so she can come back to the table (or couch) refreshed and ready to learn more. It helps get the wiggles out too!
- Because I can go faster if I want to
~She can read to me, with no problem, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade sight word lists so she has moved onto 4th grade sight words so she can continue to be challenged.
- Because I get to play with the daycare babies on my breaks
~My girls love babies for sure. I picked a good profession in childcare. It allows me to stay home with them, provide additional income, and it gives my girls a lot of practice and happiness.
- Because I like my math blocks
~ We use Math U See math manipulatives. They are a big hit around here!
- Because I go on lots of field trips
~It does seem like we go on quite a few field trips although I wish we could financially do more. We try to do one or two a month in addition to getting out of the house as much as we can.
- Because I get to spend lots and lots of time with my sissy (whose 4 YO)
~Boy, these girls sure do love each other. Whenever they get a break or free time, you can bet they are playing together; whether it’s ponies, playdough, or digging in the dirt.
- Because I can do school on daddy’s schedule and not do school when he’s off work
~My husband is a public school teacher. We follow his school schedule so we do school when he works and we take off when he takes off.
- Because I get to do art a lot which I love
~My girls both love art. They always have.
- Because our car is much more comfortable than a bus
~This one made me laugh out loud. When she started preschool she said she really wanted to ride the school bus. How the tides have turned.
I hope this list makes you smile and think about all the reasons you homeschool. Maybe it will provoke you to ask your own kids why they love it. It might encourage you.
Grace Greenwell is a homeschool mom of 2 silly girls ages 3 & 6. She also runs a small home based licensed daycare taking care of infants and preschoolers. Her husband of 12 years, Ben, is a public school teacher by day and youth pastor by night. They all live happily together in the Annapolis area of Maryland.