30 Day Challenge: Conscious Living

Gratitude a matter of conscious living, NOT of the heart!
Awareness that I am needing a thankful perspective, yet practically what does that look like? When my kids are displaying attitudes of entitlement, unappreciative of what has been given, and then always wanting more, how do I cultivate in them grateful living? With a 30-Day Challenge of CONSCIOUS LIVING….
I already know what you’re thinking; SO let me reassure you that this is not another quick fix to make you feel good. What this will do is create a genuine every day consciousness with a shift in your perspective, focused more on others than on self.
I have always thought of myself as a generous individual, consciously looking for ways to bless others. YET, this is the hardest virtue to transfer into my children’s mindset. Whether it be something as simple as the last cookie or as complex as using their own money, either way I watch their little hearts wrestle with ‘ME FIRST.’
Oh, not every child is bent in this manner…….BUT I would say 90% of them are. Its human nature! That is not to say we blame how humans are wired and be done with it. That would be too easy.
CONSCIOUS LIVING is as practical as the air we breathe. We just have to shift our awareness and re-wire our brains. It happens every day all around the world, and I have seen,touched and lived this firsthand.
Oftentimes teaching this way of life to children can be the greatest challenge. Yet, the end results are remarkable. They become more conscious of themselves and how they think. The family unit takes on an approach of serving, and there is a transfer of ‘conscious living ‘ that is contagious to those around them.
Here Is The Challenge:
● DAY 1 – Start with SLOWING DOWN. Iife is lived at an incredibly fast pace and to become fully
aware of someone else’s needs, one must slow down in order to see and hear them. This will be your hardest day, trust me!
● DAY 2 – MANNERS are to be brought back to the minds of children: Please & Thank You. Practice this at every opportunity.
● DAY 3 – CLEAN OUT rooms of toys, clothes, books, and DO MORE than just donate them. Have your kids wash, fold, repair, and then look for ways your community could use them most advantageously. (Example: Animal shelters are always in need of blankets, towels, and stuffed animals OR Donate books to a little FREE library in the community)
● DAY 4 – DELIVER FLOWERS to a random person in the community. This will truly make someone’s spirit that much brighter! Gestures of this measure are best when
● DAY 5 – TAKE A BAKED GOOD to a fire station, police station, or other people who serve our community.
● DAY 6 – WRITE A LETTER , a physical letter with a stamp, to a family member letting them know how much you appreciate them and what makes them special.
● DAY 7 – PACK SHOEBOXES, our FAVORITE way to bless others. Click Here to find out more.
● DAY 8 – Help CLEAN UP an elderly person’s home, inside or out.
● DAY 9 – WARM-UP your postal worker, with a hot drink or Starbucks gift card. It’s really fun to put a gift card in the mailbox and surprise them that way!
● DAY 10 – BUY A MEAL for a homeless person, if you live in an area where you know they frequent.
● DAY 11 – MAKE A THANKSGIVING TREE. Create a construction paper tree base and then each day have your kids put a leaf on the tree of what they are thankful for that day.
Get creative using the alphabet or do a theme for the day.
● DAY 12 – TAKE A MEAL to a stressed out Momma or family who is sick. This is a great way to involve the kids with cooking.
● DAY 13 – PRACTICE LISTENING , really listening. Teaching kids to listen before speaking is an art to be mastered, even by adults!
● DAY 14 – CHORES , to be instilled in our kids as a way of life. This definitely breeds conscious serving.
● DAY 15 – OFFER TO BABYSIT a friend’s kids spontaneously, so she can have a few day/night hours off.
● DAY 16 – HAVE TEA/COFFEE with a neighbor or friend, and talk about her interests.
● DAY 17- MEALTIME MINDFULNESS, remembering each time you eat to ‘give thanks’ and say a prayer. This creates an awareness that we are solely dependent on God and His provisions in the earth to sustain our bodies.
● DAY 18 – SURPRISE your kids with an unexpected ‘blessing card ‘ of how important they are OR do this between siblings.
● DAY 19 – VOLUNTEER TIME to a local church or community center, fulfilling whatever small jobs they need accomplished.
● DAY 20- SEND AN ENCOURAGING word, quote, poem, or scripture to whomever comes to mind OR have kids do this with family members.
● DAY 21- SPEND THE DAY unplugged! That means spending the day with your kids doing what they love and NO media of any kind.
● DAY 22- CLEAN UP any litter in your neighborhood park, street, or community.
● DAY 23- LEAVE AN EXTRA TIP and note to a server thanking her for a job well done.
● DAY 24- PLACE A STICKY NOTE in a random place out in the world to make someone smile.
● DAY 25- MAKE TIME to actually call someone and connect. This is absolutely something your kids need to know how to do AND texting does not count.
● DAY 26- GIVE A DONATION of any kind to a church, charity, or random person who may need it.
● DAY 27- HOLD THE DOOR by becoming aware of the people around us. This is a good one for teaching kids to be others-focused.
● DAY 28- HUG everyone and teach kids to do the same!
● DAY 29- PRACTICE COMPLIMENTING each other daily. It makes the heart more kind!
● DAY 30- STAY HOME, which consciously makes you aware that life does not have to be lived outside of your home. Cancel ALL activities & learn to be together as a family!
Taking this 30-DAY CONSCIOUS LIVING challenge constitutes that you at least try……Focus on 2-3 days a week if all 30 days seem overwhelming. Adjust each day as needed to best suit your family. Most importantly keep it lighthearted and full of energy.
Nothing extinguishes ‘conscious living’ quicker than when the mood is sour, and there is little excitement. A little pre-planning and explaining to the kids that November is ‘OTHERS FOCUSED’ month, and it should make for one successful challenge. Who knows! Your kids may just surprise you with the creativity they exert with ideas of their own!
Pam Havens – I am a homeschooling mom of 4 kiddos, in which I have been homeschooling now for 5 years. I enjoy writing/blogging & am a part of Moms Meet, which is a green living mom ambassador program. I have a BA degree in Youth Ministry/Psychology. We just recently moved to Virginia last December, and we have taken a Vineyard church as lead pastors. We have lived in Michigan, Vermont, Kansas and South Africa and have traveled to over 13 different countries partaking in mission trips and personal travel. I love traveling, adventures and culture.