5 Reasons to Homeschool for the Summer

While you might think it is the norm for homeschoolers to take an extended break from school, many families are beginning to homeschool for summer break. Homeschooling during the summer can be fun! Here are five reasons to continue homeschooling for the summer.
- Keeps Learning Fresh
Education is seen as a lifelong occurrence, not just during certain months. The summer slide is not an issue when you homeschool throughout the summer. You do not need to worry about your child losing what they spent an entire year learning. Have you ever noticed that traditional curriculum tends to review what was taught in the previous year for the first month or two? When you continue in the summer, nothing has to be relearned and you can keep moving at a steady pace, even skipping over unnecessary review material causing your child to move ahead faster.
- Stay in the Routine
Most kids thrive on routine. Keeping up with a routine that involves some element of schoolwork helps to put their mind at ease. They might say that all they want to do is play, but if they have yet to learn how to properly manage their time, they will become bored. Lighten the load over the summer and then provide your child with a checklist of several subjects to complete; spelling, reading, math, etc. This will encourage them to be self-starters and learn that, work comes before play. This actually reduces the battle to do schoolwork because your child will know they can play after their work is done, giving them an incentive, making their playtime even sweeter.
- Allows for Flexibility during the School Year
Each state sets its own requirements, some even requiring that a specific amount of days are dedicated to school. If you are required to have a certain amount of days logged (e.g. 180 days), providing instruction throughout the summer can actually count toward your yearly total. This means that fall and winter sick days are quickly made up during the summer and vacations can be sporadic throughout the year. When you school year-round you are free to make your own decision as far as your schedule. Do you want to teach for six weeks and take a week off? You can! Do you want to keep a normal routine and take several week-long breaks throughout the year? You can! If you keep a close eye on what your child needs to learn and then you make sure that he is on track to accomplish those goals, then you have the freedom to take breaks as your family needs to. A new baby, a move, or an extended missions trip will not drastically put your child behind in school if you are on a year-round schedule.
- Take Advantage of Seasonal Learning Opportunities
Adventure awaits you in the summer so why not take advantage of summer field trips? Schedule an educational field trip to a location that could double as a road trip and make the most of the warm, pleasant, summer months. Travel to locations that might otherwise be difficult to visit in the winter. Summer hikes are another option. Stock up on field guides and have each of your children create a nature journal. Enjoy the scenery and study the plants, trees, and wooded areas that you encounter. Visiting state and national parks in the summer also allows you to participate in organized, educational programs and activities hosted by the park rangers. These sessions provide excellent insight into the area you are visiting as well as the local plants and wildlife.
Summer is also the perfect time to embark on camping adventures that would not be as pleasant in the winter months.
- Learning Takes Place All Year Naturally
Kids are naturally curious. By continuing to teach them throughout the year, learning will not be deemed as treacherous or drudgery. They will seek out learning opportunities eventually becoming excellent self-learners and self-starters. This will not only prepare them for college but the workforce. It might even push them into starting their own business, possibly while they are still young. Be ready to seize the opportunity when your kids ask questions. Being with your children year-round allows them the opportunity to grow close to you and trust you. Little windows of opportunity will present themselves when you least expect it, don’t miss out on this. Be there, be present, and be available anytime to teach, instruct, and guide your children not only for educational development but for spiritual and emotional development as well.