At Home and Abroad

My dream is to travel to Ireland. When I finally get there, I don’t plan on sitting on the runway. I want to explore. I want to learn about the history. I want to see the sites. A Splash of Geography with Terri Johnson (Knowledge Quest, Inc.) takes that same approach. This isn’t your typical geography course. Students in elementary through high school can learn about places around the world while they learn about the events that took place and the people who lived there long ago. Twelve months’ worth of lessons cover Europe, including Alexander the Great; Jacques Cartier and Sacagawea; Industrial England; Historic James Towne, Plymouth Colony, and Native American tribal groups; The Holy Land; the planet Earth and its atmosphere; a complete study of St. Patrick; some U.S. states; and more. Text lessons include color and blackline maps. Homesteading with Lisa Barthuly helps us efficiently use the resources we have available to us at home. Twenty lessons designed for parents discuss topics such as water bath canning, making natural cleaners, herbs and essential oils, preparing for gardening, making food from scratch, using onions, being prepared, and raising animals such as goats and sheep on your homestead.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC