Time Flies While History is Written


Does time really fly? When you look back, what do you see? Do you ever wish you could write your own story a little differently? Be encouraged by and learn from this homeschool mom who openly shares her heart and reflects on the past . . .


Does time really fly? When you look back, what do you see? Do you ever wish you could write your own story a little differently? Be encouraged by and learn from this homeschool mom who openly shares her heart and reflects on the past . . .

Time Flies While History is Written

By Deborah Wuehler Deborah stood speechless at her firstborn’s private homeschool graduation—at the same time, pregnant with baby number eight. When she wasn’t looking, time rushed by.
What was in store for her newest little one’s future? She wanted his history to be better than her firstborn son’s—to remember a joyful mother and not a tired, worn-out nag. You may relate to this busy homeschool mom of many children as she shares some of her own sins of the flesh and how to move from writing failure to writing victory in your own biography.
In the pages of this WeE-book™, you’ll find encouragement, wisdom, and inspiration in light of God’s reflections for our lives. Take a peek at the contents . . .

  • Ever Feel Like Starting Over?
  • Self-Righteousness
  • Self-Centeredness
  • The Need to Be in Control
  • Forgetting the Works of the Lord
  • Neglecting the Word of the Lord
  • Forgetting His Commands
  • Part of a Larger Story
  • Looking Back and Looking Ahead

“Allow God to write His story in your life, and the sooner the better, because time does not stand still!”

~Deborah Wuehler


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