The Homeschool Minute (THM), is a free weekly newsletter from The Old Schoolhouse® designed specifically for busy homeschooling parents. This brief yet impactful resource provides a refreshing dose of encouragement, practical insights, and timely updates from the homeschooling community. Each edition offers valuable content that inspires families to stay committed to their homeschooling journey while strengthening their faith—all delivered in a concise format that respects the limited time available to active homeschooling parents.


  • Convenient Weekly Encouragement: The Homeschool Minute arrives in subscribers' inboxes each week with just the right amount of inspiration and support, perfectly sized for parents with full teaching schedules and family responsibilities. Readers will hear from publisher Gena Suarez and Senior Editor Deborah Wuehler who bring the "Hey, Mama!" dose of encouragement each week within the newsletter.
  • Practical Homeschooling Wisdom: THM delivers tried-and-tested teaching strategies, curriculum insights, and educational approaches from experienced homeschoolers and respected voices in the homeschool community.
  • Faith-Based Perspective: Each edition reinforces the spiritual foundations of home education, offering Biblical encouragement that helps parents maintain their vision for raising children with strong Christian values and character.
  • Community Connection: The newsletter keeps families informed about important developments, events, and opportunities within the broader homeschool movement, helping them feel connected to a supportive network of like-minded educators.
  • Resource Awareness: Subscribers receive timely information about helpful homeschooling tools, special offers, and valuable resources from The Old Schoolhouse® and trusted partners within the homeschool space.
  • Sign up below for this free weekly newsletter and spend a minute with your friends from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. Stay inspired, educated, and empowered in your homeschooling journey—all in just a few minutes each week!

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).