How Do I Teach My Platypus if He Won’t Sit Still?


Do you have a platypus in your homeschool? Is she highly energetic or highly distractable? Would you use “struggling learner” to describe your student? Discover you are not the only mom with a platypus.


Do you have a platypus in your homeschool? Is she highly energetic? Constantly moving? Is he highly distractable? Would you use “struggling learner” to describe your student? Do you wonder how to teach your little platypus?

Acquire new insight and discover you are not the only mom with a platypus . . .How Do I Teach My Platypus if He Won’t Sit Still? —A WeE-book™ By Carol Barnier

Carol knows what it’s like to teach her bundle of energy. She shares insight, wisdom, and encouragement based on her own life experience with other moms in the pages of this WeE-book™ . . .

If you’ve chosen to homeschool a child like this, I’ve got good news. You can relax. While you will certainly have some challenges ahead of you, you can nonetheless rest assured that you have made, by far, the very best decision for this child. This is one of the very few environments in which you can teach this child in the way he learns best. −Carol Barnier

Explore creative teaching options in the pages of this WeE-book™ . . .

  • Struggling Learner: Is it a challenge for your student to “learn” using traditional teaching methods? Be encouraged to try different teaching techniques!
  • Constantly Moving, Highly Distractable Child: How do you teach a child that moves so much, he regularly falls out of his chair? [And you thought you were the only homeschooling mom with a child that does that!]
  • Tips for Teaching a Platypus: What tips will work with highly energetic children? Find out many tips to use in your homeschool!
  • Learn With Motion: What are some fast and simple ways to put motion into a standard schooling day? Work with the qualities your child possesses!
  • Advantages of Boundless Energy: Can a platypus learn and succeed? YES! “I remind him of God’s vision for him, of God’s plan to use this boundless energy in some way that will serve the kingdom and feed his own soul.” −Carol Barnier

You can successfully teach your platypus!


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