Homeschooling and Adoption-A Winning Combination
Are you considering adoption? What are the nuts and bolts involved in adopting? How about the different options available? Discover how adoption has been a wonderful blessing to many families.
Are you considering adoption? What are the nuts and bolts involved in adopting? How about the different options available for adoption?
Adoption has been a wonderful blessing to many families; discover the ways when you read the WeE-book™ . . .
Homeschooling and Adoption: A Winning Combination By Heidi Strawser
Hear the delightful stories of three families who chose adoption as a means to complete their families. These families give you a candid peek into their lives as they discuss:
- The decision-making process—there are a number of things to consider while making this very important decision.
- The different types of adoption—find out the options available.
- The adjustment period—what are some of the issues that come up when expanding a family?
- The ministry opportunities—from the birth parents to the adoption agent, there are many people involved in the adoption process; each one is an opportunity for ministry.
- The joys and blessings—untold and unexpected joys await everyone involved.
- The challenges—although adoption is not always easy, you grow through the challenges! … . plus some helpful words of wise advice!
Learn about the joys of adoption and how well it fits in with the homeschooling family
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