A Moment with The Homeschool Minute ~ The Familyman ~ Todd Wilson, Familyman Ministries
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Well, I’m not a writer by any means, and I’m not at all funny like my husband, BUT I do teach a lot of grades at once so Todd passed you off to me for this topic. It helps me to admit to myself right up front that I can NOT teach every single one of them, every single thing they need to know before they graduate. I just can’t. There are too many variables called “real life” involved, and I know there will be holes in their education. Some are more deficient in history than others, some are more deficient in science, some in grammar, and some in math. When you factor in each of their natural bents, natural strengths and struggles and my natural bents, etc., it just equals inconsistencies and different emphases over the years. I do the best I can each given year, and I truly believe that if I teach them to enjoy learning and how to learn on their own they will be fine!! (I have 2 graduated so far and they have proven this.)
Obviously, it helps to do as many subjects as I can with as many of them as I can (Bible, history, reading aloud, science, etc.) at once, but even that sounds better than it often is in reality. For instance, this year I have been wondering when I’m reading something at a good level for one of my older kids if I’m losing the interest of my younger ones at the same time or, vice versa. I’ve been wondering if I’m doing a certain subject at too young of an age for an older one who could handle something more challenging. At the end of the day, though, my truest measure is NOT whether I crossed off the curriculum, but whether we laughed, loved, and learned (anything) together.
Be Real,
Debbie and Todd