TOS Pillars

Here at The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, our supreme goal is to bring glory to God in all of our business and ministry endeavors. In keeping with that, we have created four foundational pillars revealing our core principles and ethics as it relates to our Faith, our Knowledge, our Hope, and our Future. Beginning in 2021, we will be including these pillars and icons within the pages of the magazine and across the many platforms of The Old Schoolhouse®. We hope you agree that these principles are the underpinnings of our life in Christ as well as applicable to our personal homeschool journeys.


We believe it is imperative to place our full faith in God as we educate our children for His glory. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. We view education as our God-given right, with a foundation built on faith. The Old Schoolhouse® is a decidedly faith-based Christian organization.


We believe the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Training children to be knowledgeable about both their Creator and His creation is paramount to their success in education. The Old Schoolhouse® helps impart knowledge and understanding to parents who take their God-given responsibility of education as their conviction.


We believe the hope of the world is Christ Himself. The Old Schoolhouse® delivers hope to the homeschooling community and families worldwide, corporately placing our hope in God as we raise a generation that will offer much hope to their communities and to their world.


We believe Christian homeschooled children are the hope of the future. Where other education systems have failed,  The Old Schoolhouse® comes alongside the homeschool family to offer all that is necessary to succeed in educating the leaders of the future as they seek God and His Sovereignty first and foremost.

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).